White birds flight in front of the sunshine in a cloudy blue skyThis Week’s General Astrology Forecast

The week starts off with Moon in Taurus marking its Last Quarter before the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo.

The Last Quarter Moon forms a Grand Fixed Cross with Jupiter in Scorpio, Pluto in Capricorn and Sun in Leo.

Old patterns get broken. Time to jettison any flotsam or jetsam and swim with the current to the shores of a NEW world that waits for you. You’re in the final stages of birthing a completely new way of life. Be willing to let go of old story themes. Throw anything and everything that has a bad smell into the fires of transformation.

Transcendence is the name of the game.

FIND OUT 2018 Dates Eclipses and SupermoonsOmens of Great Change! Opportunity Knocks Essential Oils to Use.

BEST MONEY DAY this week is the 5th.

money-pixabay-public-domain-2696234_1920Empty your pockets this week. Being empty and letting go of expectations gets rewarded after the Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse on August 11th.

Best Money Days are days when the collective celestial events bring greater than usual opportunities. This may not translate into direct and immediate cash in your pocket, but potential for increase in your future prospects. Of course when these days are talking harmoniously with your personal stars the increase multiplies exponentially.   

Find out more in today’s Astro Energy Report (AER).

Be sure to check out the Best Essential Oils to use this week, Void of Course Moon Phases and Meaning of the 12 Houses and degrees (below).

WORLD CLOCK TIME ZONE CONVERTER find out what time celestial events are happening in your part of the world. 


vetiverroot-public-domain-300dpi_largeBest oils to use this week are those that help you let go and just be. Your life is your message.

I recommend the grounding essential oils that support you and ease any sense of panic or tension as you break free and transcend old ways of life.

Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides)

The scent is sweet, earthy, balsamic, exotic and sensual with smoky and woody notes.

High in sesquiterpenoids which give vetiver a grounding, calming and relaxing effect.

Excellent for balancing the first chakra and helping with first chakra issues of security, sense of belonging, family related matters and financial fears.

Astro Energy Report Highlights

84astrology-chart-donfischer-Depositphotos.jpgAll dates are at exact peak of intensity when energies begin to culminate and wane. You may actually feel the energies several hours or even days or weeks (in the case of eclipses) before the Celestial Peak, Crest of the Wave, so to speak. If you have personal planets or points within 1-2º orb of an aspect that’s occurring between planets then you will feel that celestial event more strongly.

Of course there’s a whole orchestration of energies that is happening with each and every celestial event. You can’t consider an isolated celestial event by itself. There’s always synergy at work as the celestial events merge and effect one another. As a synergy any one event is multiplied exponentially when combined with other events happening at or around the same period of time.

The power of synergy is apparent sometimes more than at others. This week seems especially poignant for creating synchronistic events in your life. If you’re someone who looks for and notices signs then this week can be loaded with them. Life is unfolding perfectly for you. Be willing to make adjustments and adapt to current events.

August 6th – Venus enters Libra until September 9th when she enters Scorpio. You’ll enjoy being social and may attend many social gatherings, or maybe just hang out more on social media. You can find pleasure in meeting new people. Being gracious and getting along with others is more important than usual. You’ll communicate with charm and diplomacy.

Looking ahead where matters of the heart are concerned.

Venus enters her Retrograde Shadow on September 2nd at 25º 14’ Libra. This is the degree to which Venus will Retrograde back to on November 16th where she will Station Direct. November 16th is the same day Mercury Stations Retrograde at 13º 29’ of Sagittarius. Love and all things related to where you put your heart energies are up for a major review. You are definitely upping your sense of value where matters of the heart are concerned.

The BIG word for Venus for the remainder of this 2018 is REFINEMENT!

August 6th – Sun at 14º Leo Squares Jupiter in Scorpio. You’re opening up ready to expose and express yourself in a BIGGER way. You feel like taking a risk and going for it. Time to break free of inhibitions.

August 7th – Uranus at 3º Taurus Stations Retrograde until early January 2019. Uranus will be giving his final farewell to Aries in your lifetime. He won’t be back in Aries until around 2100 A.D.

White birds flight in front of the sunshine in a cloudy blue skyAries rules the first house of your personality and physical appearance. The house about who you believe you are. The identity you project out into the world, the world of appearances. Your self image and the ideas you’ve formulated about yourself since birth has been undergoing profound changes since 2011 when Uranus entered Aries. Changes that may have been shocking, unsettling, unpredictable and surprising are a few words that come to mind. Now you’re finishing up either a brand new persona, or you’ve discovered the truth of who you are, no projection necessary.

August 7th – Venus at 1º Libra Trines Mars in Aquarius. Excellent for initiating and making connections that flow easily. Since Mars is Retrograde you may re-connect with someone you’ve lost contact with. When personal planets are retrograde things can return to you that were lost. Since Mars is the planet of action and energy it’s a time for re-fueling and re-charging the area of your life where Mars is currently Retrograde.

August 8th – Sun at 16º Leo Conjuncts Mercury Retrograde. This is the halfway point in the current Mercury Retrograde cycle. I always love when Mercury meets-up with the Sun during its Retrograde cycle. It can feel like a deep reconnection takes place within myself. There’s a sense of well-being and renewal that can come. I can begin to see things more clearly and get insights about the direction of events unfolding.

August 9th – Venus at 3º Libra Squares Saturn in Capricorn. There can be a feeling of seriousness with this Square and you can feel drained of enthusiasm. You may be faced with an obstacle and need to make a correction or adjustment. It can feel like a distinctly unfriendly day. Though at the same time you can accomplish much you’ll enjoy.

August 10th – Mercury at 15º Leo Squares Jupiter in Scorpio. This is a repeating theme playing out during this summer’s Eclipse Season. Shifts in attitude and your willingness to make adjustments seem called for now.

August 11th – We have the Leo Solar Eclipse New Moon at 18º 42’. Within a 7º orb of Conjunction to last summer’s Total Solar Eclipse. This Leo Solar Eclipse reactivates the fresh new beginning ushered in last summer. You’re experiencing life at a whole new level.

Get full disclosure of all the details in next week’s Astro Energy Report.


astrology-full-moon-blue-public-domain-pixabay-3031307_1920The moon represents your emotional needs. Your emotions fluctuate with the moon as it moves through its 28-day cycle around the zodiac from new moon to full and back to new. Notice how the moon’s placement in the zodiac affects your mood and emotions. Essential oils can help stabilize your mind and emotions. Generally earthy scents have the most harmonizing and stabilizing effects on the emotions.

Void of Course Moon periods are great for taking it easy and going with the flow of events and completing projects. During Void of Course Moons your emotional body is going through a period of processing and integrating your recent experiences. You naturally clear out your emotions during these periods. Doing things that helps with this natural process are especially helpful now, i.e. relaxation, yoga, movement, hot baths with sea salts and essential oils, focused breathing.

Void of Course Moon Phases are not good for starting new projects, or launching new ventures, or having meetings (if you want to achieve anything), or signing contracts and making agreements as it’s less likely anything will come of any agreement, or it will be sluggish and slow to start.

For your New and Full Moon Rituals make sure the Moon is not Void of Course and in aspect to another celestial body when doing your ritual for best results.

  1. On August 5th we have a 1+ hour Void of Course Moon from 4:46pm PT to 6:32pm PT when the Taurus Moon enters the sign of Gemini.
  2. On August 7th we have a 20+ hour Void of Course Moon from :55am PT to 9:01pm PT when the Gemini Moon enters the sign of Cancer.
  3. On August 9th we have a 17 hour Void of Course Moon from 4:20am PT to 9:18pm PT when the Cancer Moon enters the sign of Leo.


zodiac-sign-pixabay-public-domain-2532970_1920Look to where a planet is located in your own astrology chart to find out what area of your life things are happening.

If you don’t know what area a planet is located look to find what house it rules for insights about how it might affect you.

GENERALLY the degrees in each house represent the following:

1-9º Formative Development
10-19º Integration life lessons
20-29º Lessons in Mastery

1st house (ruled by Aries/Mars) – physical persona, personality, how others see you
1-9º Physical Body
10-19º Self
20-29 º Early Environment

2nd house (ruled by Taurus/Venus) – personal possessions, self worth, net worth
1-9º Money
10-19º Possessions
20-29º Earning ability

3rd house (ruled by Gemini/Mercury) – communication, neighborhood, siblings
1-9º Brothers
10-19º Sisters
20-29º Short journeys & Communication

4th house (ruled by Cancer/Moon) – home, family, early childhood, roots, emotional conditioning
1-9º Home
10-19º Support
20-29º End of life

5th house (ruled by Leo/Sun) – children, creativity, fun, romance, investments
1-9º Social life
10-19º Pleasure
20-29º Children

6th house (ruled by Virgo/Mercury) – health, service, work, habits, routines, lifestyle
1-9º Work
10-19º Service
20-29º Health

7th house (ruled by Libra/Venus) – relationships, contacts, agreements
1-9º Open opposition
10-19º Public relations
20-29º Partnerships

8th house (ruled by Scorpio/Mars (old ruler)/Pluto (new ruler) – death, rebirth, inheritance, how others value you, depth psychology, dreams
1-9º Taxes & Debt
10-19º Regeneration
20-29º Death

9th house (ruled by Sagittarius/Jupiter) – higher education, foreign travel, self discovery, philosophy & religion, publishing
1-9º Higher Education
10-19º Law
20-29º Long trips

10th house (ruled by Capricorn/Saturn) – career, vocation, titles, marriage, awards, recognition
1-9º Authority
10-19º Profession
20-29º Status

11th house (ruled by Aquarius/Saturn (old ruler)/Uranus (new ruler) – group associations, friendship, community, rainbow bridge, humanitarianism
1-9º Friends
10-19º Hopes
20-29º Dreams & Wishes

12th house (ruled by Pisces/Jupiter (old ruler)/Neptune (new ruler) – collective unconscious, hospitals, mental institutions, unconscious mind, karmic patterns, family lineage, emotional memories, solitude, retreats
1-9º Limitations
10-19º Secret Opposition
20-29º Self Undoing

Well, there you have the key Astro Energy Highlights I see happening for you this week.

If you loved this Astro Energy Report please share with your friends!

Thanks so much for being here and being part of our community!

Until next time…relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

XOLove -KG