Ocean bottom, view beneath surfaceThis Week’s General Astrology Forecast

The week starts off with Moon in Leo Sextile to Venus. You ended the week on a sociable and friendly vibe.

With Venus Square to Mars today watch out for squabbles with a loved one that end with passionate make-up afterward as Venus heads into Scorpio this week-end.

You’ll be reviewing how and who you love over the next several months and this week-end could bring signs of things to come. You’re feeling to deepen your love connections from now through the Christmas holidays. You may be letting go of people and things you’ve loved if they can’t meet your new more refined sensibilities.

BEST MONEY DAYS this week are the 9th, 11th, 12th,* 14th.

money-pixabay-public-domain-2696234_1920Best Money Days are days when the collective celestial events bring greater than usual opportunities. This may not translate into direct and immediate cash in your pocket, but potential for increase in your future prospects. Of course when these days are talking harmoniously with your personal stars the increase multiplies exponentially.   

Find out more in today’s Astro Energy Report (AER).

Be sure to check out the Best Essential Oils to use this week, Void of Course Moon Phases and Meaning of the 12 Houses and degrees (below).

WORLD CLOCK TIME ZONE CONVERTER find out what time celestial events are happening in your part of the world. 


Fresh lemon yellow fruit on lemon tree with deep green foliage.Best oils to use this week are those that promote self confidence and help you let go and move on, if necessary, for a new, more fulfilling life.

I recommend the essential oil:

Lemon (Citrus limonum)

The scent is fresh, sweet, citrus and fruity.

  • One of the best oils in aromatherapy for breaking free, letting go and moving on.
  • Promotes short circuiting emotional triggers
  • Research shows lemon increases ability to focus
  • Helps you stay in control of emotional outbursts
  • Excellent cleanser and detoxifier
  • Bodymind tonic
  • Powerful astringent properties help cut through obsessive, repetitive thought patterns and think fresh thoughts.
  • Excellent for relieving emotional upset

Astro Energy Report Highlights

84astrology-chart-donfischer-Depositphotos.jpgAll dates are at exact peak of intensity when energies begin to culminate and wane. You may actually feel the energies several hours or even days or weeks (in the case of eclipses) before the Celestial Peak, Crest of the Wave, so to speak. If you have personal planets or points within 1-2º orb of an aspect that’s occurring between planets then you will feel that celestial event more strongly.

September 8th – Venus at 29º Libra Squares Mars in Capricorn. When Venus argues with her lover Mars nothing seems right with the world. Your intuitive feelings can feel blocked about how best to respond. You can feel at odds within yourself. Squares signify a period of adjustment. With Libra and Capricorn it calls for less personal ‘it’s all about me’ and more trust in life. Life is a dance of harmony which harmonizes even the seeming great disharmony at play sometimes. Diplomacy wins the day! After a lover’s spat the make-up sex can be incredible. Cuddle your way back into the nook.

September 9th – Venus enters the sign of Scorpio at 2:26am until October 5th when she Stations Retrograde at 10º 50’ Scorpio. More on that in an upcoming AER issue. Prepare for 40 days and nights in the desert. It can be a time of great awakening when you become more deeply attuned to your heart’s truth. Nothing is ever the same after a Venus Retrograde, happens every 18 months.

September 9th – 17º Virgo New Moon exact at 11:01am PT.

The Virgo New Moon is Opposite Neptune in Pisces, Sextile to Jupiter in Scorpio and Trine to Pluto in Capricorn. The Virgo New Moon is saturated and swells with the spiritualizing force of Neptune. An image of the Virgin Mary comes to mind. In aspect to Jupiter (expanding the energy) and Saturn (giving structure and grounding). Seeds sown now carry the mystical energy of Neptune when the impossible may manifest from what you seed now. Perform your New Moon ritual exactly at the New Moon and until the Moon goes Void of course tomorrow at 8:12am PT.

The magical number of 9 is strongly activated today 9/9/18. The 9 changes into the number it is added to. Example: 7+9=16, 1+6=7. Virgo, ruled by Mercury (the magician), is the original healer. Miracles happen.

September 10th – Mars re-enters the sign of Aquarius, exact at 5:56pm PT. Mars will be out of its shadow on October 8th when he reaches the exact degree where he began his Station Retrograde on June 26th. Your higher mind is activated by Mars energy as the planet of action and energy transits Aquarius until November 15th when Mars moves into Pisces. The next day, November 16th, Venus Stations Direct in Scorpio and Mercury Stations Retrograde in Sagittarius.

September 11th – Sun at 19º Virgo Sextiles Jupiter in Scorpio and Trines Pluto in Capricorn. We continue getting lucky opportunities for expansion, especially in the Virgo house.  Make the most of the powerful manifesting potential available this week.

September 12th – Jupiter at 19º Scorpio perfects his Sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. Today Jupiter reaches the pinnacle of power to expand whatever he touches.

September 12th – Venus at 2º Scorpio Opposes Uranus in Taurus and Sextiles Saturn. Saturn is within 30’ of an exact Trine to Uranus which is slowly separating. Planets and the moon will trigger this Trine between Saturn and Uranus as they transit through the zodiac until mid-October when Saturn and Uranus will move further than 2 degrees apart. Saturn Trine Uranus (since July 2018) has brought sudden changes to the status quo, as well as changes in structure that help you move forward into your future. This period could have felt unsettling and a little weird feeling at times. Now you can enjoy the results which should be long standing.

September 13 – Mercury at 15º Virgo Opposes Neptune in Pisces. Mercury perfects his Opposition to Neptune which has been increasing in intensity since the Virgo New Moon. Your conscious mind is spiritualized and awakened by the powerful force of Neptune. Your mind can feel sluggish, dreamy and thoughts easily come and go. It can be like living inside a beautiful abstract painting coming into and losing form at the same time. Nothing may make much sense now. Great for meditation and relaxing by the water’s edge.


full-moon-purple-swans-pixabay-public-domain-2702450_1280The moon represents your emotional needs. Your emotions fluctuate with the moon as it moves through its 28-day cycle around the zodiac from new moon to full and back to new. Notice how the moon’s placement in the zodiac affects your mood and emotions. Essential oils can help stabilize your mind and emotions. Generally earthy scents have the most harmonizing and stabilizing effects on the emotions.

Void of Course Moon periods are great for taking it easy and going with the flow of events and completing projects. During Void of Course Moons your emotional body is going through a period of processing and integrating your recent experiences. You naturally clear out your emotions during these periods. Doing things that helps with this natural process are especially helpful now, i.e. relaxation, yoga, movement, hot baths with sea salts and essential oils, focused breathing.

Void of Course Moon Phases are not good for starting new projects, or launching new ventures, or having meetings (if you want to achieve anything), or signing contracts and making agreements as it’s less likely anything will come of any agreement, or it will be sluggish and slow to start.

For your New and Full Moon Rituals make sure the Moon is not Void of Course and in aspect to another celestial body when doing your ritual for best results.

  1. On September 8th we have a 1 hour Void of Course Moon from 6:31am PT until 7:29am PT when the Leo Moon enters the sign of Virgo.
  2. On September 10th we have an 8 Minute Void of Course Moon from 8:12am PT to 8:20am PT when the Virgo Moon enters the sign of Libra.
  3. On September 11th we have a 19+ hour Void of Course Moon from 3:57pm PT to 11:15am PT on September 12th when the Libra Moon enters the sign of Scorpio.
  4. On September 14th we have 17+ hour Void of Course Moon from 1:54am PT to 5:45pm PT when the Scorpio Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius.


astrology-astronomical-clock-pixabay-public-domainLook to where a planet is located in your own astrology chart to find out what area of your life things are happening.

If you don’t know what area a planet is located look to find what house it rules for insights about how it might affect you.

GENERALLY the degrees in each house represent the following:

1-9º Formative Development
10-19º Integration life lessons
20-29º Lessons in Mastery

1st house (ruled by Aries/Mars) – physical persona, personality, how others see you
1-9º Physical Body
10-19º Self
20-29 º Early Environment

2nd house (ruled by Taurus/Venus) – personal possessions, self worth, net worth
1-9º Money
10-19º Possessions
20-29º Earning ability

3rd house (ruled by Gemini/Mercury) – communication, neighborhood, siblings
1-9º Brothers
10-19º Sisters
20-29º Short journeys & Communication

4th house (ruled by Cancer/Moon) – home, family, early childhood, roots, emotional conditioning
1-9º Home
10-19º Support
20-29º End of life

5th house (ruled by Leo/Sun) – children, creativity, fun, romance, investments
1-9º Social life
10-19º Pleasure
20-29º Children

6th house (ruled by Virgo/Mercury) – health, service, work, habits, routines, lifestyle
1-9º Work
10-19º Service
20-29º Health

7th house (ruled by Libra/Venus) – relationships, contacts, agreements
1-9º Open opposition
10-19º Public relations
20-29º Partnerships

8th house (ruled by Scorpio/Mars (old ruler)/Pluto (new ruler) – death, rebirth, inheritance, how others value you, depth psychology, dreams
1-9º Taxes & Debt
10-19º Regeneration
20-29º Death

9th house (ruled by Sagittarius/Jupiter) – higher education, foreign travel, self discovery, philosophy & religion, publishing
1-9º Higher Education
10-19º Law
20-29º Long trips

10th house (ruled by Capricorn/Saturn) – career, vocation, titles, marriage, awards, recognition
1-9º Authority
10-19º Profession
20-29º Status

11th house (ruled by Aquarius/Saturn (old ruler)/Uranus (new ruler) – group associations, friendship, community, rainbow bridge, humanitarianism
1-9º Friends
10-19º Hopes
20-29º Dreams & Wishes

12th house (ruled by Pisces/Jupiter (old ruler)/Neptune (new ruler) – collective unconscious, hospitals, mental institutions, unconscious mind, karmic patterns, family lineage, emotional memories, solitude, retreats
1-9º Limitations
10-19º Secret Opposition
20-29º Self Undoing

Well, there you have the key Astro Energy Highlights I see happening for you this week.

If you loved this Astro Energy Report please share with your friends!

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Until next time…relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

XOLove -KG