This Week’s General Astrology Forecast

August features what some are calling the “Great American Total Solar Eclipse”, a rare event as 1918 was the last time we had a coast to coast eclipse across the entire United States.

READ FIRST BLOG in this Special Summer Eclipse Season Forecast, Summer Eclipse Season Originality Self Expression.

Look at your natal chart to find out what house the 28º Leo New Moon Total Solar Eclipse on August 21st is located to get insights about the stellar fresh new start that’s happening for you.

This is our second Leo New Moon in a row and this one is a New Moon Solar Eclipse, emphasizing the birth of new possibilities for love, romance, money and creative self expression.

The double activation of the Leo New Moon coupled with its being a Total Solar Eclipse conjunct the North Node and the Royal Star Regulus, making this an extraordinarily powerful time for a new beginning in the area of your life where the sign of Leo is located.



What makes this Total Solar Eclipse in Leo an even more extraordinarily rare event is that it’s the first time, since 1267 (760 years ago) that an Eclipse only crossed the United Stares, not touching any other countries.

This August 21 Total Solar Eclipse is part of a “Saros” series 145 that features 77 eclipses and this is number 22. 

A master number, the number 22 is about mastery in the social sphere. It represents peace and/or the path necessary to realize peace. Paradoxically a path that leads to peace can entail events that themselves, at first, seem chaotic, but which are necessary to bring about a course correction that will bring about peace.

A Saros cycle represents a period of approximately 6,585.3 dyas (18 years 11 days 8 hours). Each eclipse is governed by a particular Saros cycle which recurs and repeats itself. It was known to the Chaldeans as a period when lunar eclipses seem to repeat themselves, but is applicable to solar eclipses as well.

This particular Saros series 145 started on January 4, 1639 with a partial eclipse. It’s first total Solar Eclipses began in June 29, 1927 which recurred until September 9, 2648. The series ends with a partial eclipse April 17, 3009. The longest eclipse will occur on June 25, 2522, with a maximum duration of totality of 7 minutes, 12 seconds.

An 18 year lunar/solar cycle is now ending and a new one beginning for you.

This Saros series of eclipses occurred at approximately 18 year intervals in 1909, 1927, 1945, 1963, 1981 and 1999. Think back to what was ending and/or starting in your life, or your parents, or grandparents life during those years.

Are there any themes at work in your life or the life of your loved ones?

We’ve been in a radical Game Changing period since 2012 and this Total Solar Eclipse represents a crowning moment that can potentially effect even more dramatic and significant change over the next three to six months, especially for those in the path of the Total Solar Eclipse (the United States).

Mercury will Retrograde over the Royal Star Regulus (Heart of the Lion) and the degree of the Leo Total Solar Eclipse on September 1st, playing a significant role in the Total Eclipse celestial event. 

Archangel Raphael, the Healing Archangel and Watcher of the North (Wisdom), is stationed in this part of the heaven’s where Regulus is located and Mercury is retrograding over on September 1st.

You might say Mercury Retrograde pulls back the curtain and reveals the Heart of the Lion. Regulus symbolizes nobility, ambition, alertness, great power, status and leadership. There is potential for sudden downfall, accidents and violence if the wisdom represented by this Royal Star is in some way denied.

Eclipses always represent major re-set periods of time. Its like the old programs that were running the computer get deleted and a completely new operating system is installed. Then when the system reboots itself the new system is activated and becomes operational.

Check Meaning of the 12 Houses below to find out more about how the Leo New Moon energy will be effecting you. If you don’t know what house the Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse is located look at the 5th house which Leo rules for a general idea.

BEST MONEY DAYS this week are August *20th, *21st and 22nd.

Best Money Days are days when the collective celestial events bring greater than usual opportunities. This may not translate into direct and immediate cash in your pocket, but potential for increase in your future prospects. Of course when these days are talking harmoniously with your personal stars the increase multiplies exponentially.   

Find out more in today’s Astro Energy Report (AER).

Be sure to check out the Best Essential Oils to use for your Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse Ritual and the Void of Course Moon Phases (below).

WORLD CLOCK TIME ZONE CONVERTER find out what time celestial events are happening in your part of the world. 


Orange-citrus-sinesis-wiki-creative-commons-GNU-free-ellen.levy.finch_largeBest essential oils to use this week and for your Leo New Moon Total Solar Eclipse Ritual are the bright, crisp and clean oils that lift the the spirit and open your mind.

Sunshine oils like Sweet Orange, Lemon, Tangerine and Grapefruit are all perfect for this week’s opportunity for a fresh new start.

Citrus oils will generally always lift your mood and enhance your feeling of enthusiasm.

They will also promote clarity and alertness, so you can shift more easily with the changes being ushered in now.

Astro Energy Report Highlights

All dates are at exact peak of intensity when energies begin to culminate and wane. If you have personal planets or points within 1-2º orb of an aspect that’s occurring between planets then you will feel that celestial even more strongly.

On August 20th the Sun (Life Force) at 28º Leo (Creativity) Trines Uranus (Awakener) in Aries (Leadership, ruled by Mars, planet of action and energy).

On August 20th Mars (Action and Energy) at 20º Leo (Creativity, Self Expression) Sextile Jupiter (Good fortune, Expands) in Libra (Relationships, Contracts).

On August 21st we have the 28º Leo New Moon Total Solar Eclipse Conjunct the North Node (fate/destiny point for where you’re to head at this time) and Regulus Trine to Uranus (Awakener, adds rocket fuel, jet propulsion) in Aries.

On August 21st Mars (Energy and Action) is within 1º orb to an exact Trine to Saturn (gives structure and form) in Sagittarius.

What all these planetary alignments spell out is that there is tremendous synastry at work with this Leo New Moon Total Solar Eclipse. An opportunity for a dramatic shift can take place. The rocket fuel needed for lift off is available. You are given a chance to soar to new heights in love, self expression, creativity, money and children. All the themes that Leo rules are scheduled for an upgrade now.

On August 22nd the Sun enters the sign of Virgo until September 22nd. Health and service, routines, habit patterns, and lifestyle choices are your focus during this time. Look in your natal chart to find what house the sign of Virgo is located for insights about how this might play out. For instance if you have Virgo in the 2nd house you may be focused on getting into habits and routines that will bring greater health to your personal finances (2nd house matters)

Check Meaning of the 12 Houses (below) for more insight about how the Sun’s transit through Virgo might effect you. If you don’t know what house Virgo is located in your chart then check out the meaning of the 6th house which is the house that Virgo rules for a general idea.

On August 24th Venus at 28º Cancer Squares Uranus in Aries. This is the final harsh aspect of your personal planets involving Pluto, Jupiter and Uranus. Squares always represent an opportunity for making an adjustment of some kind. This one involves freeing you up, so you can experience more pleasure in the area related to cancer (safety and security needs, home and family). This can feel threatening to the things you hold most dear at first, but making the adjustment will free you to experience deeper pleasure in this area of your life.

On August 25th Saturn Stations Direct at 21º Sagittarius. Things can now come together for creating the foundation and bringing in the structure you need to succeed. Saturn is Sextile to Jupiter in Libra which brings opportunities for making the connections you need for your success with whatever venture Saturn is helping you bring in. Saturn brings rewards as it makes its way through Sagittarius one final time. Saturn will leave Sagittarius and not return for 28 years on December 19th when it enters the sign of Capricorn where it will stay for 2 1/2 years.

On August 25th Venus enters the sign of Leo where she feels at home. You’ll love making time for fun, play, romance, making money and pursuing creative projects. Venus transits the sign of Leo until September 19th when she enters the sign of Virgo.


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So informative and well written, easy to understand. -Rhonda


The moon represents your emotional needs. Your emotions fluctuate with the moon as it moves through its 28-day cycle around the zodiac from new moon to full and back to new. Notice how the moon’s placement in the zodiac affects your mood and emotions. Essential oils can help stabilize your mind and emotions. Generally earthy scents have the most harmonizing and stabilizing effects on the emotions.

These are great periods for taking it easy and going with the flow of events and completing projects. During Void of Course Moons your emotional body is going through a period of processing and integrating your recent experiences. You naturally clear out your emotions during these periods. Doing things that helps with this natural process are especially helpful now, i.e. relaxation, yoga, movement, hot baths with sea salts and essential oils, focused breathing.

Void of Course Moon Phases are not good for starting new projects, or launching new ventures, or having meetings (if you want to achieve anything), or signing contracts and making agreements as it’s less likely anything will come of any agreement, or it will be sluggish and slow to start.

For your New and Full Moon or Quarter Moon Rituals make sure the Moon is not Void of Course and in aspect to another celestial body when doing your ritual for best results.

  1. On August  19th we have an 2+ hour Void of Course Moon from 8:17am to 10:55am PT when the Cancer Moon moves into the sign of Leo.
  2. On August 21st we have a 2 hour Void of Course Moon exactly at the time of the Leo Lunar Eclipse at 11:30am to 1:25pm PT when the Leo Moon enters the sign of Virgo.
  3. On August 23rd we have 5 hour Void of Course Moon from 1:02pm to 6:05pm PT when the Virgo Moon enters the sign of Libra.
  4. On August 25th we have a a 3+ hour Void of Course Moon from 10:39pm to 1:53am PT on August 24th when the Libra Moon enters the sign of Scorpio.


astrology-zodiac-pixabay-public-domain-amigos-2024747_1280Look to where a planet is located in your own astrology chart to find out what area of your life things are happening.

1st house (ruled by Aries) – physical persona, personality, how others see you

2nd house (ruled by Taurus) – personal possessions, self worth, net worth

3rd house (ruled by Gemini) – communication, neighborhood, siblings

4th house (ruled by Cancer) – home, family, early childhood, roots

  • 5th house (ruled by Leo) – children, creativity, fun, romance, investments
  • 6th house (ruled by Virgo) – service, work, habits, routines, lifestyle
  • 7th house (ruled by Libra) – relationships, contacts, agreements
  • 8th house (ruled by Scorpio) – death, rebirth, inheritance, how others value you
  • 9th house (ruled by Sagittarius) – higher education, travel, higher mind
  • 10th house (ruled by Capricorn) – profession, status, awards, recognition
  • 11th house (ruled by Aquarius) – friendship, community, rainbow bridge
  • 12th house (ruled by Pisces) – unconscious, karmic patterns, family lineage

Well, there you have the key Astro Energy Highlights I see happening for you this week.

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Until next time…relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

XO Love -KG