Smile Freedom and happiness woman on beach. She is enjoying serene ocean nature during travel holidays vacation outdoors. asian beautyThis Week’s General Astrology Forecast

The week starts off with the First Quarter Moon in Scorpio and Mercury Sextile Venus Stationing Direct.

Great for reversal of any negative cash flow issues!

Your intuition and feelings run deep and breakthrough opportunities are available.

Both personal and business connections are highly favored today.

BEST MONEY DAYS this week are the 18th, 19th, 21st.

money-pixabay-public-domain-2696234_1920Best Money Days are days when the collective celestial events bring greater than usual opportunities.

This may not translate into direct and immediate cash in your pocket, but potential for increase in your future prospects.

Of course when these days are talking harmoniously with your personal stars the increase multiplies exponentially.   

Find out more in today’s Astro Energy Report (AER).

Be sure to check out the Best Essential Oils to use this week, Void of Course Moon Phases and Meaning of the 12 Houses and degrees (below).

WORLD CLOCK TIME ZONE CONVERTER find out what time celestial events are happening in your part of the world. 


lemongrass-cymbopogon-272641_1280_largeBest oils to use this week are those that help you make connections.

The lemon and citrus scents are all good for supporting you to mingle and keep things fresh and light.

This week I recommend:

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon martinii)

The scent is fresh, sweet, lemony and herbal.

  • Refreshes and renews your life energies
  • Promotes release of negative blockages
  • Wealth attraction oil, alone or in a blend

Astro Energy Report Highlights

84astrology-chart-donfischer-Depositphotos.jpgAll dates are at exact peak of intensity when energies begin to culminate and wane. You may actually feel the energies several hours or even days or weeks (in the case of eclipses) before the Celestial Peak, Crest of the Wave, so to speak. If you have personal planets or points within 1-2º orb of an aspect that’s occurring between planets then you will feel that celestial event more strongly.

August 18th – We have the First Quarter Moon at 25º 20’ Scorpio, exact at :48am PT. Your intuition is spot on. You’re ready to make any necessary compromises to get what you want.

August 18th – Mercury Station at 11º 32’ Leo is Sextile to Venus in Libra.

Mercury Stations Direct exactly at 9:25pm PT. This aspect is great for bringing opportunities in both your personal and business affairs. Excellent day for making agreements and signing contracts. That computer or car you’ve been eyeing may be at just the right price for you today.

August 19th – Jupiter at 15º 37’ exactly Trines Neptune in Pisces. This is the third and final time for this “lucky” celestial contact. Jupiter and Neptune join forces to help make your wishes and dreams come true. Enjoy the good vibrations shining upon you. Lucky breaks and easy good fortune can come.

August 22nd – Sun enters the sign of Virgo until September 22nd when he enters Libra. The sun shines its light on all things related to Virgo during this time. Your health, work and being of service in the world are all highlighted. Improvements in your lifestyle and increased energy level get a welcomed boost.


astrology-full-moon-blue-public-domain-pixabay-3031307_1920The moon represents your emotional needs. Your emotions fluctuate with the moon as it moves through its 28-day cycle around the zodiac from new moon to full and back to new. Notice how the moon’s placement in the zodiac affects your mood and emotions. Essential oils can help stabilize your mind and emotions. Generally earthy scents have the most harmonizing and stabilizing effects on the emotions.

Void of Course Moon periods are great for taking it easy and going with the flow of events and completing projects. During Void of Course Moons your emotional body is going through a period of processing and integrating your recent experiences. You naturally clear out your emotions during these periods. Doing things that helps with this natural process are especially helpful now, i.e. relaxation, yoga, movement, hot baths with sea salts and essential oils, focused breathing.

Void of Course Moon Phases are not good for starting new projects, or launching new ventures, or having meetings (if you want to achieve anything), or signing contracts and making agreements as it’s less likely anything will come of any agreement, or it will be sluggish and slow to start.

For your New and Full Moon Rituals make sure the Moon is not Void of Course and in aspect to another celestial body when doing your ritual for best results.

  1. On August 18th we have a 1+ hour Void of Course Moon from 8:07am PT to 9:45am PT when the Scorpio Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius.
  2. On August 20th we have a 4+ hour Void of Course Moon from 4:47pm PT to 8:59pm PT when the Sagittarius Moon enters the sign of Capricorn.
  3. On August 23rd we have a 2+ hour Void of Course Moon from 7:19am PT to 9:56am PT when the Capricorn Moon enters the sign of Aquarius.
  4. On August 24th we have a 25+ hour Void of Course Moon from 9:39pm PT to 10:32pm PT on August 25th when the Aquarius Moon enters the sign of Pisces.


astrological-clock-starry-sky-pixabay-public-domain-2533021_1920Look to where a planet is located in your own astrology chart to find out what area of your life things are happening.

If you don’t know what area a planet is located look to find what house it rules for insights about how it might affect you.

GENERALLY the degrees in each house represent the following:

1-9º Formative Development
10-19º Integration life lessons
20-29º Lessons in Mastery

1st house (ruled by Aries/Mars) – physical persona, personality, how others see you
1-9º Physical Body
10-19º Self
20-29 º Early Environment

2nd house (ruled by Taurus/Venus) – personal possessions, self worth, net worth
1-9º Money
10-19º Possessions
20-29º Earning ability

3rd house (ruled by Gemini/Mercury) – communication, neighborhood, siblings
1-9º Brothers
10-19º Sisters
20-29º Short journeys & Communication

4th house (ruled by Cancer/Moon) – home, family, early childhood, roots, emotional conditioning
1-9º Home
10-19º Support
20-29º End of life

5th house (ruled by Leo/Sun) – children, creativity, fun, romance, investments
1-9º Social life
10-19º Pleasure
20-29º Children

6th house (ruled by Virgo/Mercury) – health, service, work, habits, routines, lifestyle
1-9º Work
10-19º Service
20-29º Health

7th house (ruled by Libra/Venus) – relationships, contacts, agreements
1-9º Open opposition
10-19º Public relations
20-29º Partnerships

8th house (ruled by Scorpio/Mars (old ruler)/Pluto (new ruler) – death, rebirth, inheritance, how others value you, depth psychology, dreams
1-9º Taxes & Debt
10-19º Regeneration
20-29º Death

9th house (ruled by Sagittarius/Jupiter) – higher education, foreign travel, self discovery, philosophy & religion, publishing
1-9º Higher Education
10-19º Law
20-29º Long trips

10th house (ruled by Capricorn/Saturn) – career, vocation, titles, marriage, awards, recognition
1-9º Authority
10-19º Profession
20-29º Status

11th house (ruled by Aquarius/Saturn (old ruler)/Uranus (new ruler) – group associations, friendship, community, rainbow bridge, humanitarianism
1-9º Friends
10-19º Hopes
20-29º Dreams & Wishes

12th house (ruled by Pisces/Jupiter (old ruler)/Neptune (new ruler) – collective unconscious, hospitals, mental institutions, unconscious mind, karmic patterns, family lineage, emotional memories, solitude, retreats
1-9º Limitations
10-19º Secret Opposition
20-29º Self Undoing

Well, there you have the key Astro Energy Highlights I see happening for you this week.

If you loved this Astro Energy Report please share with your friends!

Thanks so much for being here and being part of our community!

Until next time…relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

XOLove -KG