Obsidian_blackLipari-Obsidienne_(5)-Wiki-creative-commons-license-share-alike-JiElle_72Your past love connection that you wish to sever and release may be with anyone you experienced a love connection with such as a lover, husband, or friend.

We’ve all experienced hurt and loss in our lives. Such experiences can make you stronger and help you to grow in your feelings of compassion for others, as well as help you make more wise and empowered decisions in the future.

Sometimes though your hurt and sense of loss may be so deep and painful as to cause a rift with your own sense of belonging and trust in yourself.

The healing and gemstone ritual I’m sharing with you is not only purposeful for cutting cords of attachment and entanglements with your past loves, but also rekindles and strengthens you own inner wellspring of Self love and acceptance.

Thus you may perform this healing ritual with the intention of healing the love bond you have with yourself. This will effectively clear you of any old grievances, resentment, guilt or shame that clouds your auric field. Your own bright aura is the ultimate shield and protection from attracting dissimilar energies from your own.

If you do attract anyone with discordant energies of mis-creation you will absolutely know this about them. However, as you completely clear your unhealthy attachments you will not judge others for their or mis-behaviors, but rather wonder what must be going on inside of them that causes their actions. In other words you will not take their actions as saying something about you personally.

For the Cutting Cords Ritual you will need a white candle and a Black Obsidian gemstone. Even a tiny polished or tumbled stone will work to clear cords of attachment.

Obsidian is a shiny black volcanic glass born out of the fires of transformation symbolized by the god Pluto. The wisdom of Obsidian helps you become aware of your hidden character flaws and bring them to the light for integration and healing.

Obsidian’s clarifying properties act to heal disorder and chaos within your self as it brings clarity to the body, mind and emotions.

It is the disowned shadow parts of yourself that cause you to unconsciously attract their counterpart in the outside world, so that you can come to know, love, understand and integrate them within yourself.

Obsidian strengthens and grounds you to the earth and connects you more deeply with your own physical embodiment and sense of belonging to yourself and in the world. It helps you become clear about your motivations as well as the motives behind other people’s actions.

I’ll instruct you in how to do the cutting cords ritual in my next post.

Please share an experience you had with cords of attachment.

Thanks for joining us!


Photo: Obsidian_blackLipari-Obsidienne_(5)-Wiki-creative-commons-license-share-alike-JiElle