12 Astrological Signs of the Zodiac WheelToday I’ll review this month’s astrological highlights ushered in by the Cancer New Moon On July 8th at 0:14am past midnight PT at 16º Cancer and concluding with the Leo New Moon on August 6h.

The New Moon always brings a new beginning and this one is especially fertile as it is conjunct Jupiter.

The Cancer New Moon conjunct Jupiter boosts the Cancerian influence in this area of your life. So foundational matters of emotional importance to you are highlighted, such as home, family, your roots, and how you nurture and nourish your self and others now receives support in a big way.

You may notice your dreams are very vivid at this time and memories from your past surface.

On July 8th the Cancer New Moon is conjunct Mercury retrograde, so you may have an opportunity to easily review or release a contract or prior agreement that’s related to Cancer themes now.

On the very next day the Sun also conjuncts Mercury, so you are supported to completely release some old form of communication or contract from your past that may no longer serve you in the present.

CLICK HERE to continue reading about the astrology and importance of the Cancer New Moon for fertile new beginnings.

CLICK HERE for a Cancer New Moon Meditation with the Archangel Gabriel.

FIND OUT WHY YOU are in for an incredibly BIG and eventful month this July that you will not soon forget. It has the dynamic potential for dramatically altering the course of your life and the life of our world.

Highlights this month include a tremendous open window of opportunity for you from July 17th to July 30th, the apex period of a Grand Water Trine and a Star of David.

CLICK HERE to watch the Moonscopes Astrology Video for July – August, 2013 with transcript of the show

If you aren’t yet registered you can register for free.

Enjoy the magical and mystical month of July!

Until next time…be well,


12 Astrological Signs of the Zodiac Wheel

Today I’ll review this month’s astrological highlights ushered in by the Cancer New Moon on July 8th at 0:14am past midnight PT at 16º Cancer and concluding with the Leo New Moon on August 6th.

The New Moon always brings a new beginning and this one is especially fertile as it is conjunct Jupiter.

The Cancer New Moon conjunct Jupiter boosts the Cancerian influence in this area of your life. So foundational matters of emotional importance to you are highlighted, such as home, family, your roots, and how you nurture and nourish your self and others now receives support in a big way.

You may notice your dreams are very vivid at this time and memories from your past surface.

On July 8th the Cancer New Moon is conjunct Mercury retrograde, so you may have an opportunity to easily review or release a contract or prior agreement that’s related to Cancer themes now.

On the very next day the Sun also conjuncts Mercury, so you are supported to completely release some old form of communication or contract from your past that may no longer serve you in the present.

CLICK HERE to continue reading about the astrology and importance of the Cancer New Moon for fertile new beginnings.

CLICK HERE for a Cancer New Moon Meditation with the Archangel Gabriel.

FIND OUT WHY YOU are in for an incredibly BIG and eventful month this July that you will not soon forget. It has the dynamic potential for dramatically altering the course of your life and the life of our world.

Highlights this month include a tremendous open window of opportunity for you from July 17th to July 30th, the apex period of a Grand Water Trine and a Star of David.

CLICK HERE to watch the Moonscopes Astrology Video for July – August, 2013 with transcript of the show

If you aren’t yet registered you can register for free.

Enjoy the magical and mystical month of July!

Until next time…be well,