Full Moon public domain image NASA18º Aquarius Full Super Moon
August 10 @ 11:09am PT

On August 10th we have the Aquarius Full Super Moon at 18º Aquarius exact at 11:09 am PT. The Annual Perseid Meteor Showers are at their peak at the time of the Aquarius Full Moon.

Though the luminescence of the Full Moon may prevent you from seeing the smaller sized meteor display of radiant light the larger fireball sized meteors should present a stellar light in the heavens accentuating the new freedom available to you know. Will you grasp your opportunity?

At the Aquarius Full Moon you celebrate something completely new and innovative being born. Your mind is electrified with new possibilities and potentials.

Whatever beliefs or attitudes that have held you back may intensify as the electro magnetic impulse of the Aquarius Full Super Moon has the affect of bringing up to the surface what needs to break apart and be released.

This can feel painful if resisted. The Aquarius Full Super Moon Meditation will help you to relax and go with any release of mental patterns catalyzed at this time for release.

The result can feel exhilarating and freeing to your mind, especially your subconscious mind. Uranus rules your higher superconscious mind and electrical systems and communicates directly with its lower octave partner Mercury. to release your lower reactive mind patterns that have limited you.

Your subconscious and superconscious minds will be liberated from what is ready to be jettisoned.

The Aquarius Super Full Moon is also a time to celebrate all that you’ve accomplished over the past two weeks to six months since the Aquarius New Moon.

archangel-uriel-public-domain-copyright-expiredToday’s Aquarius Full Super Moon Meditation is over lighted by the Archangel Uriel. Uriel’s name means ‘God’s light,’ ‘Light of God’ or’ Fire of God’ because he illuminates situations and awakens your superconscious awareness. Uriel is the Angel of Purest Divine Light and Wisdom. Uriel illuminates your mind and gives you visions for your future.

Uriel brings spiritual understanding and helps you to pass your trials and tests in life. Uriel is a custodian of the earth element and helps you to integrate the lessons of Saturn. Saturn is the planet that helps you to build enduring structures in life, so that you can realize your dreams. Saturn was the old ruler of Aquarius and also rules Capricorn, an earth element sign. The new ruler of Aquarius is Uranus the Awakener. Uranus brings freedom through revolution, innovation and new visions.

Uriel will be assisting you to release any past memories, hurts or disappointment that may restrict or block your heart and mind from fully opening to a new vision for yourself and your life.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the astrology of the Aquarius Super Full Moon.

At the Aquarius Super Full Moon you have an excellent opportunity to birth a new life for yourself. Dreams you’ve long devoted yourself to realizing can now come to life.

During this period of time (2 weeks to six months) you can birth a completely new life for yourself. Now you can express original new electro-magnetically charged self concepts and experience a paradigm shift for your life like never available before. So, make the most of it!


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The best time to perform your Aquarius Super Full Moon Healing Ritual is on August 10th at 11:00 am PT, the exact time of the Full Moon, until the Moon goes Void of Course later that same day at 3:12 pm PT.

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ALOHA & WELCOME to our healing circle of love and light for the Aquarius Full Moon.

white candle shutterstock images chris mole designFor this Aquarius Full Moon Healing Ritual you will need a white candle. You are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

Light your white candle and focus on the candle flame. The candle’s light is a reflection of the Divine spark of light within you. Focusing on the candle flame will center you and calm your mind and emotions.

Call upon the Archangel Uriel to assist you with your healing ritual.

You may close your eyes now as you focus your awareness at the area of your universal heart (8th chakra), located halfway between your throat and heart.

Begin to breathe deep, full, rhythmic breaths. Allow your diaphragm to expand fully as you inhale and then contract as you exhale. Your diaphragm is the organ that processes old toxic emotion that may lie hidden and be trapped within the cells of your body mind.

With each complete cycle of breath you feel yourself relax more deeply.

As you inhale your higher superconscious mind is filled with Divine inspiration. Each breath carries with it the creative life force energy of the universe. Imagine the cosmic rays of creativity inspiring you at the deepest levels of your being.

Through your light energy body you are connected with all of life. Your e-motion is your light energy body in motion. When your light energy body is clear, fluid and open your e-motions are also clear, fluid and open. Through your light energy body and the quality of its e-motion you are always affecting everyone around you.

Through performing this ritual you are significantly up leveling the quality of your e-motions as well as elevating your thoughts, words, feelings and actions precipitated by them.

Feel yourself with Archangel Uriel’s assistance releasing any resistance in your mind and emotions to realizing your desires and dreams.

The natural electro-magenetic force of the Aquarius full moon will also act to assist you in the process of letting go of any old habit patterns of resistance to experiencing the perfect flow of your life.

Through performing this healing ritual you are wholeheartedly loving and accepting all parts of your self which powerfully activates the Law of Grace to operate fully in your life.

Through the power of grace you can know the blessing of absolute and unconditional self love and acceptance, and awaken your compassionate heart.

In truth when you love yourself completely you love everything and everyone through all dimensions of time and space. This simple act of loving all parts of yourself both shadow and light releases you from any past entanglements and provides wonderful nourishment for your soul.

Through embracing the sunset of your old way of life of judgement, blame and victimization you allow yourself to be empowered to shine forth with renewed brilliance and give birth to a new dawn for yourself and for your life.

Continue breathing full rhythmic breaths until you feel complete with releasing and letting go of any blockage or resistance in your mind.

At the end of your healing ritual you’ll feel yourself as an empty vessel, completely open and free to experience Divine grace.

You have activated the Law of Grace to flow freely through your life and are free of any previous entanglements.

Now ask Uriel to inspire you with new visions for your life.

Feel yourself open, ready and expectant to receive new visions and dreams for your life now and over the coming two weeks to six months.

When you feel ready conclude your Aquarius Full Moon Healing Ritual by looking into the flame of your white candle and saying aloud:

God/dess and all that is,
Angels, guides, ancestors, teachers, and friends,
I call upon all who love me
To witness for me now,
In deep appreciation for my soul’s journey
I acknowledge my unfoldment,
Bless my path as I open
to new visions for my life.
And so it is.

After completing your Aquarius Full Moon Healing Ritual thank Archangel Uriel for his Divine assistance and imagine yourself joined with like minded others in a healing circle of love, light and compassion. You are sharing openly and freely with one another as you support each other to realize your dreams.

You may feel inspired to take some action after your healing ritual, if so, listen to your wise heart and take action as guided.

May you be blessed with beautiful dreams for yourself and your life now and always.

Thanks for joining me! I hope you experience tremendous results for yourself from this healing ritual with Archangel Uriel.

Please leave your comments, like and share with your friends!

Until next time, relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

With love -KG