12 Astrological Signs of the Zodiac WheelMoonscopes Astrology – June 8 to July 8, 2013

Aloha and welcome to Moonscopes Astrology. On today’s show you’ll find out the astrological highlights occurring from the Gemini New Moon on June 8th until the Cancer New Moon on July 8th.

The Gemini New Moon Cycle begins June 8th. The New Moon is at18º Gemini

This Gemini New Moon offers you an especially potent opportunity for setting your intention to change any negative self talk or mental habit patterns.

As always you begin a new creation cycle with the New Moon energies when the natural cycle of the moon supports you to sow your seeds of intention for manifesting your true heart’s desires in the area of your life where the new moon is located.

This particular Gemini New Moon is especially powerful as it’s the first new moon after our recent Eclipse season. It is also the first Gemini New Moon since the conclusion of the Eclipse cycles that occurred over the past year in Gemini and the passing of the South Node out of the sign of Gemini into the sign of Taurus.

Meaning this area of your life is especially ripe for a new beginning.

Click HERE for your Gemini New Moon Ritual

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