Moon Scopes Astrology 12/12 – 1/11/13

Aloha and welcome to Moon Scopes for December 2012 to January 2013. I’m KG Stiles with a special end of the year and new year forecast. Moon Scopes is sponsored by holistic products & services for body, mind and soul and organic aromatherapy.

This is our first Moon Scopes show. We’re moving from our Astro Highlights quarterly format to a monthly astrology forecast based on the natural cycles of the Moon from New Moon to New Moon. The idea for our new show was born out of the recent Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on November 28th. So thank you for joining for this inaugural launch of our new show Moon Scopes.

On Moon Scopes you’ll learn about the planetary events and cycles occurring from the vantage point of the Moon’s cycles. Moon Scopes looks at nature’s cycles from New Moon to New Moon, rather than from the perspective of the man-made monthly Gregorian calendar cycle of time. This window into natural planetary cycles empowers you to have unique insights on current celestial events.

When you know the purpose and meaning of a particular cycle of time you have the opportunity to align yourself with the cycle and go with the flow of natural events to create more grace and ease and better outcomes in your own personal life.
Let’s take a quick review of recent celestial events starting with the Scorpio Solar Eclipse on November 13th.

This Solar Eclipse signaled an especially powerful new beginning for everyone, especially for the fixed signs of Taurus, Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio. Scorpio was of course most affected by the Solar Eclipse as it was in the sign of Scorpio conjunct the North Node also in Scorpio. This means truth and intimacy, looking into the deepest darkest recesses of yourself, and your relationship with yourself and others is revealing necessary changes that need to take place. You are probably feeling a deeper commitment to transform yourself and your circumstances at this time. This is also happening at the collective level. Revelations and subsequent changes are possible over the next year until the next New Moon in Scorpio in 2013.

The planet Saturn in Scorpio in mutual reception and harmonious aspect to Pluto, a ruler of the sign Scorpio, and now transiting the sign of Capricorn ruled by Saturn shows that opportunities for these changes are forthcoming and there is a general ease for transforming the old structures and creating new ones. These necessary changes are further supported by the Uranus and Pluto square that continues into 2015 which further ensures that changes in structure will take place both on an individual and collective level.

The Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on November 28th brought completion and celebration of a project of some kind, as well as release from an old pattern of thinking. You’re now free of past ways of thinking and behaving that sabotaged your success in the area of your life where Gemini is located.

Both the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio and Lunar Eclipse in Gemini were in harmonious aspect with other celestial bodies for the most part and any challenging tensions that surfaced were primarily related to ensuring the breakthrough opportunity available during this particular Eclipse season. You will be seeing results manifesting from these Eclipses at least over the next six months or longer for yourself and collectively in our world.

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