Full Moon public domain NASAThe Capricorn Full Moon brings achievement, fulfillment and realization of long awaited rewards.

You may experience hard won success. New realizations about yourself or about your life situation can surface now for integration.

Everything about this Capricorn Full Moon is purposeful and useful to your achieving your desires and objectives in life. So pay especial attention to what happens now.

The Capricorn Full Moon is a time to recognize and celebrate all that you have accomplished and are grateful for!

Review your list of intentions that you set at the Cancer New Moon (two weeks ago) or six months ago at the time of the Capricorn New Moon at the start of this year 2014.

Give thanks for all that you’ve accomplished.

The Capricorn Full Moon is a wonderful time to review your many Capricorn type gifts of discipline, organization, persistence, diligence, management of your time and projects, as well as planning.

Giving thanks for these building blocks and the structures you’ve implemented to accomplish your goals helps you to create and attract even more blessings into your life, including the equipment and resources of all kinds, including necessary finances, and like minded people who can help you accomplish even more of what you truly desire in your life.

The Capricorn Full Moon is also excellent for letting go of any struggles within yourself, or with your life situation. Be willing to let go of any clutter and clear your heart and mind of any impediments to the realization of your Divine potential.

It’s the Perfect Time for Your Astrology Check-Up!


Azrael is the angel associated with the sign of Capricorn and assists you with endings and new beginnings. Every ending is a new beginning really though it can bring up a lot of feelings of discomfort. Call upon Azrael to make your transition from your “old” paradigm and way of being to your “new” paradigm of living your life as effortless and easy as possible.

Best time to do your meditation is at the time of the Capricorn Full Moon on July 12th at 4:25am PT until the moon goes void of course the same day at 6:56pm PT.


Candle flame white candle burning with darkness surrounding public domain imageWhat you will need:

Clean sheets of paper
A white candle

Calm your mind and sit quietly. There is nothing you need do at this moment but be present with your self. Within all of us there is a sacred space. Now is the time to go within to your sacred space and be still.

Light your white candle and focus on the flame. Remember that the light you see is a reflection of the light within you.

Write your list of all the things you wish to let go of on paper. Allow yourself to write down everything that does not work for you, as well as any feelings you have about anything that does not work for you, let it all flow onto the paper. Let it flow, let it go!

After you have taken time writing your list of what you desire to release completely, fold your paper, and say aloud:

God/Goddess and all that is,
Angels, guides, ancestors, teachers, and friends,
I call upon all who love me to witness
My deep appreciation for my soul’s journey,
Bless my unfolding as I give thanks
For my many blessings and accomplishments.
May my true heart’s desires always be manifest,
And so it is.

As you end your meditation, surrender the struggles, and burdens you’ve written down on the piece of paper into the flames of a living fire. Jungian analyst, and mentor, Marion Woodman PhD, uses a Chinese Wok for her ritual burnings.

You are burning your old paradigm of beliefs, limitations and structures that no longer work for you to make room for new structures and foundations that support you completely in the fulfillment of your life purpose and fulfillment of your Divine potential.

Saturn (the ruler of Capricorn and the planet that creates new structures) stations Direct one week from now on July 20th.

Your life is a beautiful and mysterious journey; celebrate it daily, moment to moment.

After completing your Capricorn Full Moon Meditation you may feel inspired to take some action. If so listen to your wise heart and take action immediately.

Thanks so much for joining me! Please leave your comments and share with your friends.

Until next time…relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

Love -KG xo