Full Moon public domain NASACapricorn Full Moon at 4:32am PT
Sunday, June 23rd at 2° Capricorn

Brings achievement, fulfillment and long awaited rewards.

The full Moon is always a time of celebration, culmination and harvest as well as letting go of the old and worn out that no longer serves you.

Capricorn relates to authority, ambition, and goals.

You may experience hard won new realizations about yourself or and your life situation that surface now for integration.

Everything about this Capricorn Full Moon is purposeful and useful to your achieving your desires and objectives in life. So pay especial attention to what happens now.

Look for where the Full Moon is occurring in your Astrology Chart to find out where in your life you’ll be completing a phase of your life, or a project.

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You may also be letting go of something of serious weight that has blocked you in some way in your life. Or you may experience the resolution of some serious matter that may have been long standing and weighed you down.

Letting go of things that are no longer serves you will help clear the way for realizing new desires and setting new goals at the Cancer new moon, two weeks from now.

Maybe you’ll be realizing some of your desires and deciding to let go of others that no longer hold energy for you. The Capricorn Full Moon is about Self Empowerment and standing in your own authority for knowing what’s right for you.

Your sense of release and rising above your former circumstance is especially powerful and fortuitous with this Capricorn Full Moon as it forms a Grand Water Kite with other powerful planets, including Neptune, Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter and the Sun.

A Grand Kite pattern in the heavens signifies a lift off and rising above your former circumstances.

The Grand Kite helps you to realize your dreams.

The Capricorn Full Moon Kite is sextile to Saturn and Neptune and the planets Saturn and Neptune are trine to one another. These astrological alignments show that you will receive the help you need to realize your dreams and give them a realistic structure for success.

This pattern of astrological alignments between the Capricorn Full Moon, Saturn and Neptune form a Kite pattern with the Sun now at the beginning of the Solar New Year which is still in a loose conjunction with the planet Jupiter, the planet of abundance, positive growth and expansion.

The tail of the Kite is Jupiter conjunct the Sun in Cancer the sign of home, family and security issues. The planets Mercury (about to go retrograde), Venus and Mars are also in Cancer presently adding focus for positive changes and influences coming into this area of your life.

This is also what’s called a super moon or perigree full moon. This full moon is not only the closest and largest full moon of the year. It is also the moon’s closest encounter with Earth for all of 2013. The moon will not be so close again until August, 2014.

So the Capricorn full moon will appear larger and brighter than usual and its elctromagentic force upon our human emotions and the earth’s tides will be at their strongest. Additionally the Moon rules Cancer, so the area where the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Mars are now located in your chart are especially highlighted.

Support is being given for you to face any challenges represented by the Capricorn Full Moon’s loose conjunction to Pluto square to Uranus which may feel like a threat to your ability to choose your own perspective and know what is right for you at this time.

At the time of the Capricorn Full Moon know that you are supported and trust that things are working out for you if you’re facing any challenges.

Click HERE if you’re a HMS member to find out more about the astrology surrounding Capricorn Full Moon.

Click HERE to watch my astrology video to find out about the astrology surrounding the Capricorn Full Moon on my YouTube Channel.


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