astrology-libra-justice-pixabay-public-domain-2071539_1920This Week’s General Astrology Forecast

The week starts off with the Scorpio New Moon Sextile to Mars (action) at 12º Virgo and Trine Neptune (dreams) all at 12º Pisces and, later in the day, Sextile Pluto (power) in Capricorn.

A secret may get revealed as Mars is Opposite Neptune and water and earth elements predominate. It’s a dreamy day when things hidden may forcefully come to light.

Look in your natal chart to find out what house the Scorpio Moon is located to get insights about what area of your life the Scorpio moon is affecting.

Check Meaning of the 12 Houses below to find out more about how the Scorpio Moon might affect you. If you don’t know what house the Scorpio moon is in located in your natal chart look at the meaning of the 8th house ruled by the sign of Scorpio.

BEST MONEY DAYS this week are 23rd and 29th.

Best Money Days are days when the collective celestial events bring greater than usual opportunities. This may not translate into direct and immediate cash in your pocket, but potential for increase in your future prospects. Of course when these days are talking harmoniously with your personal stars the increase multiplies exponentially.   

Find out more in today’s Astro Energy Report (AER).

Be sure to check out the Best Essential Oils to use this week and the Void of Course Moon Phases (below).

WORLD CLOCK TIME ZONE CONVERTER find out what time celestial events are happening in your part of the world. 


Frankincense tree in its natural arid climate from which pure esential oil is distilled.Best essential oils to use this week are the oils that promote grounding and centeredness, and those that calm intense emotions.

Frankincense (Boswellia frereana) – promotes integrity with Self. Helpful for meditative and spiritual practices.

Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) – promotes anxiety relief, calming, balancing effect. Brightens and cheers, regulates the mood.

Cypress (Cupressus Sempervirens) – Used since ancient times for ritual cleansing and purification. Reputation for strengthening the heart’s energies.

Atlas Cedarwood (Cedrus Atlantica) or Himalayan Cedarwood (Cedrus deodora) – one of the most grounding and stabilizing oils in aromatherapy. Promotes self esteem and courage.

Astro Energy Report Highlights

planets-earth-solar-system-pixabay-public-domain-1068198_1280All dates are at exact peak of intensity when energies begin to culminate and wane. If you have personal planets or points within 1-2º orb of an aspect that’s occurring between planets then you will feel that celestial even more strongly.

On September 25th Mercury (communications) at 22º Virgo (seeing the details) Squares Saturn (authority) in Sagittarius (big picture). Be mindful that you speak clearly to avoid mis-understandings, especially with an authority-type figure, i.e. father or boss.

On September 25th the Sagittarius Moon is forming a T-Square with Venus in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces. Emotional intensity can run high now. The energetic mix is like practical girl scout meets the impossible dreamer over lunch in an uncharted foreign land. With this mix there’s a mix of confusion, excess and pleasure in being hyper critical of yourself or others.

September 25th might be a good day to lay low and work alone. Meditation can help you stay centered and grounded when this quirky mix of emotions and thoughts bubble up and then quickly disappear, just as all thoughts and emotions do, right? Everything is passing and this day will soon be over.

On September 25th Venus and Mars are within orb of conjunction which will perfect at 17º Virgo on the day of the 12º Aries Harvest Full Moon on October 5th. The pair of lovers will perfectly unite just 1+ hour before the Full Moon (ruled by Mars!). This will be one “hot” full moon. Stay tuned for next week’s post and I’ll tell you all about it.

On September 27th the First Quarter Waxing Moon at 5º Capricorn Squares the Sun in Libra. When two diplomats meet and clash what’s the affect and best course of action. Though the Square indicates an adjustment this pair is mature enough to handle any tension that may arise diplomatically as a point of honor for both of them. Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) is exalted in Libra, so though a Square these two make great role models in how to get along in stressful situations and negotiate differences. Can be a very productive Square!

On September 27th Jupiter at 27º Libra Opposes Uranus in Aries for a third and final time. Yay! All the excess tension of the T-Sqaure between Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus that was active by element all of this year after today can now recede.

Today is the final release of old stuck energy that’s been controlling you. The shocking revelations and power struggles that may have happened between you and other people is now past. Where you once felt held back, blocked or delayed you can now gain forward momentum. You’ll feel the tension ease noticeably over the coming days as Jupiter prepares to leave Libra, not to return for 12 years. Jupiter enters Scorpio on October 10th. More on Jupiter in Scorpio soon!

On September 28th Pluto stations direct after 5 months of review in the area of your life where the sign of Capricorn is located. Check Meaning of the 12 Houses (below) to find out the themes you’ve been reviewing over the past 5 months. If you don’t know what house the sign of Capricorn is located in your natal chart look up the meaning of the 10th house that Capricorn naturally rules.

On September 29th Venus at 12º Virgo Opposes Neptune in Pisces. There can be a revelation about differences that surfaces. Oppositions are illuminations and often come in the form of “another person or situation” that helps us become aware of something about ourselves we have repressed and are unaware of. Initially perhaps a feeling of disillusionment or disappointment can surface. Oppositions can feel the most confrontational as our sense of reality is brought into question. Ultimately though being forced to see something we didn’t want to see is very freeing.

On September 29th Mercury moves into the sign of Libra until October 17th. Mercury enjoys moving through the open, airy space of Libra. Mercury and Venus (ruler of Libra) really get along and often bring opportunities for love, money and increasing one’s prosperity quotient.

Libra is a sign of diplomacy, balance and fair play. Mercury will help you get along with others better than usual. Though there are a few stressful aspects with Pluto and Uranus during Mercury’s transit through Libra he will also make a stellar hook up with Saturn which can spell lucky encounters with influential people. Being in the right place at the right time with the right idea. Your style of speaking and writing can become more refined during this time.


The moon represents your emotional needs. Your emotions fluctuate with the moon as it moves through its 28-day cycle around the zodiac from new moon to full and back to new. Notice how the moon’s placement in the zodiac affects your mood and emotions. Essential oils can help stabilize your mind and emotions. Generally earthy scents have the most harmonizing and stabilizing effects on the emotions.

Void of Course Moon periods are great for taking it easy and going with the flow of events and completing projects. During Void of Course Moons your emotional body is going through a period of processing and integrating your recent experiences. You naturally clear out your emotions during these periods. Doing things that helps with this natural process are especially helpful now, i.e. relaxation, yoga, movement, hot baths with sea salts and essential oils, focused breathing.

Void of Course Moon Phases are not good for starting new projects, or launching new ventures, or having meetings (if you want to achieve anything), or signing contracts and making agreements as it’s less likely anything will come of any agreement, or it will be sluggish and slow to start.

For your New and Full Moon Rituals make sure the Moon is not Void of Course and in aspect to another celestial body when doing your ritual for best results.

  1. On September 24th we have an 8+ hour Void of Course Moon from :33am PT to 9:01pm PT when the Scorpio Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius.
  2. On September 27th, the day of the Capricorn first quarter moon, we have a 5 1/2 hour Void of Course Moon from 4:08am to 9:24am PT when the Sagittarius Moon enters the sign of Capricorn.
  3. On September 29th we have a 4+ hour Void of Course Moon from 5:14pm to 9:40pm PT when the Capricorn Moon enters the sign of Aquarius.


astrology-astronomical-clock-pixabay-public-domainLook to where a planet is located in your own astrology chart to find out what area of your life things are happening.

If you don’t know what area a zodiac sign or planet is located look to find what house it rules for insights about how it might affect you.

1st house (ruled by Aries/Mars) – physical persona, personality, how others see you

2nd house (ruled by Taurus/Venus) – personal possessions, self worth, net worth

  • 3rd house (ruled by Gemini/Mercury) – communication, neighborhood, siblings
  • 4th house (ruled by Cancer/Moon) – home, family, early childhood, roots
  • 5th house (ruled by Leo/Sun) – children, creativity, fun, romance, investments
  • 6th house (ruled by Virgo/Mercury) – service, work, habits, routines, lifestyle
  • 7th house (ruled by Libra/Venus) – relationships, contacts, agreements
  • 8th house (ruled by Scorpio/Mars (old ruler)/Pluto (new ruler) – death, rebirth, inheritance, how others value you
  • 9th house (ruled by Sagittarius/Jupiter) – higher education, travel, self discovery
  • 10th house (ruled by Capricorn/Saturn) – profession, status, awards, recognition
  • 11th house (ruled by Aquarius/Saturn (old ruler)/Uranus (new ruler) – friendship, community, rainbow bridge
  • 12th house (ruled by Pisces/Jupiter (old ruler)/Neptune (new ruler) – unconscious, karmic patterns, family lineage

Well, there you have the key Astro Energy Highlights I see happening for you this week.

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Until next time…relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

XO Love -KG