Full Moon public domain NASAAUGUST is an 8 month and 2015 is an 8 year which is a double activation of the power number of alchemy, magic and miracles.

8 = 8 = 16 = 7 the number of spirituality and truth. There’s power for you to do deep soul searching, to face the truth and transform any burdens into treasures available to you this month.

Key areas of transformation and change occur in the sign of Leo. Shifts occurring beneath the surface begins to sprout and become visible after the Leo New Moon on August 14th.

On July 31st at 3:43 am PT 7º 56′ Aquarius Full Moon opposes Sun, Mercury and sextile Uranus. Venus retrograde re-enters Leo still square to Saturn through first week of August.

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Aloha and welcome to Moonscopes Love Your Life Astrology. I’m your host KG Stiles intuitive astrologer and metaphysical coach for more than 35 years.

Thanks for joining me for a look at your August Forecast AND the Astrology of the Aquarius Full Moon.


Today’s show is a general forecast for everyone. If you want a more personal look at your astrology I invite you to purchase a private session with me.

Confidence/vitality – yellow
Action/forced action – red
Harmony/communication – blue
Spiritual/fate – purple
Love relationships – pink
Career/money – green

Stable moon doesn’t go void of course until 3:02pm PT August 1st. Best time to do your Aquarius Full Moon ritual is at the Full Moon until the moon goes void of course on August 1st. The moon enters the sign Pisces about a half hour later at 3:36 pm. Then doesn’t go void of course until August 3rd at 1:35pm. These are the best windows to do ritual.

The Aquarius Full Moon also opposes Jupiter in Leo and square Saturn in Scorpio.

Mars 24º Cancer moving off square to Uranus and trine to Chiron and just beginning to cusp the sign of Leo exact on August 8th.

North Node (where we’re headed, need to learn) 2º Libra cusping sign of Virgo can begin to feel the shift. South Node cusp Pisces (releasing).

Tomorrow August 1st Saturn stations Direct at 28º Scorpio.

Jupiter is beginning to cusp the sign of Virgo.

Jupiter oppose Neptune in Pisces square to Saturn.

Well that’s it for this episode of Moonscopes Love Your Life Astrology.

Thank you so much for liking, sharing and subscribing!

And, thanks so much for joining me! I’ll be back soon with another forecast so stay tuned.

Until then relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

Love -KG XO