astrological_sign_capricorn_public-domainWhat does the astro energy for the month of January to February 8th have in store for you? Find out on today’s show! My report covers the entire Capricorn New Moon cycle that starts at the Capricorn New Moon on January 9th, includes the Leo Full Moon on January 23rd and ends with the Aquarius New Moon on February 8th the day of the Chinese New Year of the Red Monkey. 

I’m giving a big sweeping overview of the astro energy influences over the next four weeks. A I look at the unfolding energies at play I see themes emerging that require you to focus on big picture thinking rather than getting caught up in the details of your day to day events.

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The energies constellating starting in 2016 are completely different from any I’ve ever experienced. There’s an intensification of chaotic Uranian energy now that can be very disruptive and make it extremely difficult for you to stay focused. Your power to create the life you desire is in your ability to focus your creative energy for periods of time. You create what you focus on. You need to consistently transmit a clear signal about what you want to attract and create what you say you want into your life. Otherwise, there will be a lot of static with your transmission and mis-creation and confusion with your results. You’re challenged to gain mastery of your own energy system to direct your forces for embodying and creating your desires. Transformation and change is really speeding up. You need to cleanse your inner vessel and create the inner conditions that align you with what you desire to attract and for being in a beautiful partnership with the divine.

Onto the forecast.



The 19º 13’ Capricorn New Moon is exact at 5:30pm Pacific on January 9th. It’s a 9 day and we’re in a 9 universal year and January is a 1 month. The focus of the Capricorn moon is completion and a coming together that support new beginnings in your life calling. 

Mercury Retrograde just moved back into Capricorn ruled by Saturn and today Venus is conjunct Saturn at 12º Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter which has just stationed retrograde in Virgo and is conjunct the North Node and the Capricorn New Moon.

Jupiter is within orb of conjunction to the North Node through much of 2016 (talked about in my 2016 forecast). This expands and helps you get very clear about your life purpose at this time and in Virgo the details of what you need to focus on to expand this area of your life.

The Capricorn New Moon brings completion and gets new things going for you in your life calling that’s grounded. The Capricorn New moon is trine to Jupiter just stationed retrograde helps you see the truth of the work you need to do so you can expand and be prosperous in this area of your life.

The Mercury retrograde in Capricorn also helps you review what needs to change and release in your attitudes and mental restrictions so you can achieve more success in 10th house matters, the house of your vocation and life calling. You need to think broadly about life calling. It may not be related to what you do for your work in the world. Life calling relates to gaining mastery in some area of your life that you are recognized for, your reputation and standing in the world.

The Capricorn New Moon is conjunct Pluto square to Uranus helping you to breakdown and breakthrough old patterns that may be holding you back. There’s regeneration and healing available for you now. You’re being supported  to take a risk and follow your true heart’s desires.

The Capricorn New Moon energy will continue expanding and growing and it’s energies powerfully reactivated at the time of the Leo Full Moon on January 23rd as the Mercury retrograde slows down and exactly conjuncts Pluto at the Leo Full Moon. The Capricorn new moon energies are really intent upon helping you initiate plans for a new structure that can catapult you to shine your light and reveal more of your authentic self in the world.

The 3º 29’ Leo Full Moon is exact at 5:46pm Pacific time on January 23rd. Venus is just moving into Capricorn. Where Venus is located is where your heart’s desire is. This is where you’ll find the most pleasure and feeling of connectedness with others over the next two weeks leading up to the 19º16’ Aquarius New Moon on February 8th the day of the Chinese New Year of the Red Monkey.

The Leo Full Moon is opposite to the Sun conjunct Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn and square to Uranus in Aries. There’s further illumination and revelation and breaking down of what you need to let go of. If you’ve been willing to follow your intuition and take action as guided since the Capricorn New Moon you can be in good position for a final major purge of anything you need to release within yourself at the Leo Full Moon and have an opportunity to shine your inner light and realize more of potential.

You need to have courage and boldness to shine your light on any resistance you may encounter within yourself and in your world. Any external resistance we meet outside in the world is just a mirror reflection of our own inner fears and resistance and shows you how you ways you need to step into your own power and embody more of your own true soul potential that you were born to realize. Your inner treasure wants to be revealed. Its time to transform your fate into your destiny. What do you long to express, but have felt too vulnerable and afraid to put out into the world for others to see?

On January 25 at 1:50pm Pacific time Mercury stands still and stations Direct at  14º 56’ Capricorn conjunct Pluto square to Uranus. Mercury’s slow down and station at the Leo Full Moon can amplify any tumultuous feelings as mental, emotional and psychosomatic patterns are released freeing you for a completely new phase of your life in this area of your life where the Leo Full Moon is located. It can feel very unsettling to let go of your old life in this area to make room for your new life. The more you can trust and go with the flow of events then the faster things will settle down and new vistas for your life will appear supporting you to settle down into a new cycle and way of doing life in this area.

The energies of the Capricorn New Moon which brought in fresh possibilities you hopefully acted and began to embody may require you to release and purge anything that prevents full realization with more clear insights about exactly what’s being birthed through you. How intensely the Capricorn New Moon and Leo Full Moon energies play themselves out depends upon how they touch and communicate with your other personal planets and points.

On January 30th there’s a nice loving aspect a sextile between Venus in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces. Venus will bring love and soothe any unsettled emotions you may have experienced. Opportunities for healing any wounds arrive as Venus sextiles Chiron during the week leading up to the Aquarius New Moon on February 8th.

Mars transit through Scorpio during the time of the Capricorn new moon cycle fortunately is helping you to take action and do the work necessary which may include deep psychological and emotional work in the house where Scorpio is located in your chart. Mars gives you the energy, drive, fortitude, stamina and courage to take action. Mars is intent upon strengthening you in this area of your life, helping you clear out any fears that may still linger after Saturn’s transit. Mars renews your passion and physical energy. Mars helps you to be determined and do whatever it takes to be victorious.

For more about this window of time check out my 2016 Astro Energy Forecast.

That’s it for your January astro energy forecast through to the Aquarius New Moon on February 8th. I hope what I’ve shared is helpful to you. Let me know by leaving me your comments, giving me a thumbs up and sharing with others!

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Keep reaching for your dreams and I’ll be back soon with another forecast.

Until next time…relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

XO Love -KG