Virgo-moss-agate-C33C06E9D06F47C39FBED488619988E8It’s a week of relative ease compared to the intensity we’ve experienced so far this year.

The number 12 is very active now. The number 12 represents a pinnacle of completion for you. A cycle of growth and evolution that started last fall is nearing completion.

Neptune is slowing down preparing to go retrograde at 12º Pisces exact on June 13th. Saturn is square to Neptune as it stations retrograde.

There is a facing of truth, breaking a habit, seeing reality and adjusting, making necessary changes. There will likely be dissolution of an old structure (breaking a habit, either chosen or forced). A way of structuring, or habitual way of doing your life, comes to an end now.

This ending/dissolution ultimately will give you an edge for greater material results in your future. You’ll see the fruits of the changes you make now as early as August 13th when Saturn stations Direct at 9º Sagittarius (another completion number). Saturn will come back to this 12º Sagittarius point this fall on October 6th. This represents a window of opportunity when things can come into form for you if you do/have done the hard foundational work that Saturn requires.

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Astro Energy Highlights

On June 12th we have the Virgo Quarter Waxing Moon.  Moss Agate is one of the healing gemstones associated with Virgo. Moss Agate is a very grounding stone and aligns you with elemental magic of the Devic kingdom and useful for manifesting your material needs. It is a very magical week if you can keep an attitude of play about your life. Letting go and breaking away is the order of the day. Venus at 23º Gemini sextiles Uranus in Aries this day which is fun loving electric energy. There can be very boisterous expression and lift off for you. The mind is very active today with pleasurable pursuits that free you to open up and live more fearlessly. Mercury also enters Gemini on this day. Mercury rules Gemini and you open to more free expression. The energy is flighty and ungrounded.

On June 13th Neptune the planet of fantasy, dreams, illusions and delusions stations retrograde today at 12º Pisces until November 19th. When a BIG outer planet like Neptune stations retrograde in conjunction with the other astrological events happening now expect possible miscommunication and unexpected changes that turn out for the best. This period can be fun and light hearted if you can let go and go with the flow of events unfolding and not take anything too seriously.

On June 14th the Sun at 23º Gemini sextile Uranus in Aries. The Sun and Venus have been close together during the past week and this entire week is a lighter energy in general. It’s a sociable and friendly time. Lots of comings and goings and much can filter through now that can be fun and flirtatious.

At week’s end on June 17th Venus enters Cancer and your heart is where your home is now. You’ll want to curl up and have some time for self nurturance, sharing meals and camaraderie with your loved ones. Your nesting instincts are at an all time high. Today also Saturn reaches the peak of its square with Neptune. Either you will be putting the finishing touches on the changes you intuitively knew to make a week or so ago, or something suddenly falls apart that you tried to hold together which was not viable and now you’re forced to let go. Which describes you? How are the energies playing as you?

Void of Course Moon Periods

These are great periods for taking it easy and going with the flow of events and completing projects. During Void of Course Moons your emotional body is going through a period of processing and integrating your recent experiences. You naturally clear out your emotions during these periods. Doing things that helps with this natural process are especially helpful now, i.e. relaxation, yoga, movement, hot baths with sea salts and essential oils, focused breathing.

On June 12th the day of the Waxing Quarter Moon at 21º Virgo we have a longish Void of Course Moon from 7:47am to 5:33pm PT when the Moon moves into the sign of Libra.

On June 15th we have a 6 hour Void of Course Moon from 0:01 am until 6:18am when the moon enters the sign of Scorpio.

On June 17th we have our longest Void of Course Moon which lasts 12 hours from 6:52am on the 17th until 6:34pm PT when the moon moves into the sign of Sagittarius

Well, there you have it. Those are the key Astro Energy Highlights I see happening for you this week.

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Until next time…relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

XO Love -KG