LIBRA-MOON-TOURMALINE-GEMSTONE-2B315B193D7D4099853DD6021C9A3A30Week’s Highlight

The July 11th First Quarter Waxing Moon & Other Astro Connections this Week Set You Up to Break Free of Mental Restrictions Holding You Back from Expressing Your Creative Genius!

You’re invited to get over your old story that habitually drives you to repeat the same choices and actions with similar cast of characters over and over again with no change.

Have you ever noticed you can change everything and nothing changes?

You’re at a Crossroads and Point of No Return. Strong Freedom Urge Can Win the Day if you Can Just Let Life Happen for You (not against you)!

Maturation Cycle Fulfilled in Two Weeks at Capricorn Full Moon!

POWER GEMSTONE: Tourmaline helps you overcome limited, restricted ways of thinking, brings peace and clarity.

Astro Energy Highlights

WORLD CLOCK TIME ZONE CONVERTER find out what time celestial events are happening in your part of the world.

On July 9th the Sun at 18º Cancer Sextiles Jupiter in Virgo, signaling an opportunity to expand and express yourself, good fortune.

On July 9th also the Virgo Moon Eclipses Jupiter and Sextiles the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Cancer and Mars in Scorpio, Opportunities abound for expansion, a time when opportunities may easily and unexpectedly come your way.

The numbers 7 and 9 are both powerfully activated today. These numbers rule Neptune and Saturn and have a lot to do with spirituality and completion, especially related to completing inherited, ancestral and karmic patterns.

On July 10th Mercury in Cancer exactly Sextiles Mars in Scorpio and Squares Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, this has breakthrough of old mental restrictions written all over it which if resisted can feel disruptive. What happens now and how you respond will give you a good measure for how well you’ve been working the energies and how easily you’ll integrate Mars lessons unearthed during its recent review of Scorpio.

The themes unleashed for breakdown and transformation on July 10th continue on July 11th when the Libra First Quarter Waxing Moon Squares Pluto in Capricorn Opposes Uranus in Aries and Squares the Sun in Cancer This is the same Grand Cardinal Cross being activated for breaking apart old patterns and birthing the freedom needed to create new structures and paradigms

On July 11th also Venus enters Leo when self love and stepping fully into being the star of your story are highlighted. Will you play the drama queen who like Katherina in Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew plays the role of a self interested, headstrong woman, or willing to act like a wise queen and master your emotions to see a better way of shining your light and expressing your inner genius?

On July 13th Mercury follows after Venus into the sign of Leo. Venus and Mercury are drawing closer together bringing good signs of improved finances ahead for you. Mercury and Venus will exactly conjunct on July 16th at 6º Leo.

Mercury and Venus will travel fairly close together through August as they transit through the signs of Leo and Virgo. Venus and Mercury will conjunct once again as Mercury slows down to station retrograde on August 30th at 28º Virgo.

Depending upon if Mercury and Venus are making aspects to your personal planets and what houses Leo and Virgo are in you can notice considerable improvement in your finances, as well as your connections with others which feel more harmonious and easy going for you! It’s a great time for meeting new people, mingling, expressing yourself, attending to practical details for improvements in your day to day life, setting new healthier more productive habits, especially related to health which can also translate to healthier finances.

Void of Course Moon Periods

These are great periods for taking it easy and going with the flow of events and completing projects. During Void of Course Moons your emotional body is going through a period of processing and integrating your recent experiences. You naturally clear out your emotions during these periods. Doing things that helps with this natural process are especially helpful now, i.e. relaxation, yoga, movement, hot baths with sea salts and essential oils, focused breathing.

On July 9th we have a little less than 7 hour Void of Course Moon from 8:28pm PT when the Virgo Moon goes Void of Course until it enters the sign of Libra at 1:32am PT.

On July 12th at 8:01am PT we have another little less than 7 hour Void of Course Moon when the Libra Moon goes Void Course until it enters the sign Scorpio at 1:52pm PT.

On July 14th at 3:22pm PT we have our final Void of Course Moon when the Scorpio Moon goes Void of Course until it enters the sign of Sagittarius at 2:14am PT on July 15th.

Well, there you have it. Those are the key Astro Energy Highlights I see happening for you this week.

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Until next time…relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

XO Love -KG