Lunar-eclipse-09-11-2003-cropped-oliver-stein-wiki-gnu-free-documentation-license2On September 27th we have the 4º Aries Super Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 7:50pm PT. The final blood red moon in a rare tetrad series occurring in 2014 and 2015.

The Aries Total Lunar eclipse is conjunct the south node in opposition to Juno conjunct North Node in Libra Trine to Saturn in Sagittarius.

Echoing Grand Fire Trine energy that was exact between Venus, Uranus and Athena on September 22nd and further fulfillment of what was birthed at the Leo New Moon on August 14th when the Sun and Venus were trine to Uranus in Aries.

Enjoy the show!


Aloha and welcome to Moonscopes Love Your Life Astrology. I’m your host KG Stiles intuitive astrologer and metaphysical coach for more than 35 years.

Thanks for joining me for a look at the game changing September astrology highlights.

I’ve posted a world clock time zone converter below this video for you to find out what time things are happening in your part of the world.

Today’s show is a general forecast for everyone. If you want a more personal look at your astrology you might like to purchase a private session with me.

Confidence/vitality – yellow
Action/forced action – red
Harmony/communication – blue
Spiritual/fate – purple
Love relationships – pink
Career/money – green

The Aries New Moon opposes Mercury retrograde and the Sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn and conjuncts Uranus and Trines Venus before going void of course at 45º past midnight PT on September 29th.

Mercury is still retrograde in Libra at 15º Libra until October 9th when it stations Direct at 1º Libra. Mercury will leave its shadow on October 24th.

Venus will leave her shadow on October 8th.

Venus will be within orb of a grand fire trine with Uranus in Aries and Pallas Athena in Sagittarius forming through the 4º Aries lunar eclipse on September 27th. The Grand fire trine between Venus, Uranus and Athena is exact on September 22nd at 19º. If you have a planet within 4 degrees either side of 19º you will have more of a personal experience of this Grand Fire Trine.

The Grand fire trine is joined by the planet Mercury to form a kite pattern. The tail of kite is Uranus in Aries and the head of the kite is in Libra.

On September 24th Pluto stationed Direct at 13º Capricorn.

Last Blood Red moon in a rare tetrad series occurring in 2014 and 2015.

September is a 9 month of Divine Magic and Mystery. Add 9 to any number to double that number. 9 is the number of the magician, the alchemist, the philosopher, the teacher, the poet, the mystic. It’s a number of empowerment. You can double whatever you focus upon now! Understanding and compassion are the most favored gifts you can sow and reap in the month of September.

The most powerful and intense days in September are the 8 days of September 8th, September 17th and September 26th. When there’s a triple activation of the power number 8. All about empowerment and taking your power back.

Month of pattern recognition. When you recognize a repeating pattern do a pattern disrupt, break the cycle. Affirm: That was then, now is now. Simply observing that you’re in a repeating pattern will break the pattern. This is a month of having compassion and understanding for yourself and others.

Well that’s it for this episode of Moonscopes Love Your Life Astrology.

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Keep reaching for your dreams and I’ll be back soon with another forecast with even more delicious insights about the upcoming Eclipse season so stay tuned.

Until then relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

Love -KG XO