Key_to_success-WHAT’S HOLDING YOU BACK from realizing your dreams?

IN THIS VIDEO BLOG I teach you Five Strategies for Success in any area of your life. You can use these Five KEYS for Success to resolve your issues with:


You are a role model. Make sure that right now you are setting an example for others to follow. I understand pain is crucial especially when it comes to back pain.Hence,if You are experiencing back pain without any delay you can also search for chiropractor in my area as prevention is better than cure.It can also help you to regain joy and fulfillment in life through living your dreams actually makes it more possible for others to live their dreams.

Your dreams are like buried treasure and the LIFE’s greatest gift to you. Like Wayne Dyer always says, “Don’t die with your music still inside you.” Sing out who you are loud and clear so that the world can hear what ONLY you have to share.

To Live Your Dreams is your mission and life purpose!

CLICK TO WATCH 5 Success Strategies:

I myself have struggled with changing my habits and realizing my dreams and understand the extraordinary difficulties most people face to live truly satisfying and rewarding lives. I won’t go into the details here, but essentially I came from a broken home and there was alot of confusion about who and what to trust in my life. There was extreme abuse at times and by age 20 I was suffering so much from the craziness and trauma I’d experienced growing up that I found my way into the office of a therapist. That was the beginning of my return journey to wholeness and re-connecting with my dreams.

As a visionary and pioneer in the holistic health care movement I began my professional practice in 1980 and since then have continued to learn everything I could about consciousness and healing from some our world’s most renowned thought leaders, people like Tony Robbins, Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Doreen Virtue and many, many more.

Through my work I’ve been blessed to help thousands of people from all walks of life, including top executives, entrepreneurs, internationally famous celebrities and athletes, as well as hospitals, organizations and businesses. I discovered that living a life that is connected and filled with passion and realizing your dreams is the greatest contribution you can make to the world.

I hope that by sharing what I’ve learned through my years of research and practical experience that you will have a shortcut to realizing your own dreams. You won’t have to go through all the years of searching and struggling that I went through to discover these few simple truths for successful living and realizing your dreams.

In his book, “The Science of Getting Rich,” published in 1912 Wallace Wattles tells us, “To think TRUTH regardless of appearances is laborious and requires the expenditure of more power than any other work a person has to perform.”

In other words the TRUTH is that you have the natural inherent power to think what you want and get the results you desire. However, it requires significantly more effort to think “NEW” thoughts and create “NEW” results and circumstances for yourself when appearances about your “current” situation suggest otherwise.

Why is this? The bottom line of WHY you DON’T make new decisions that create your desired results is because you make decisions from the non-conscious part of your mind and are moved to take action by your emotions. Your emotions always win over logic and your imagination always wins over reality.

So you ask, how can I change something that’s out of my awareness, but running the show?

Let’s talk about that, how CAN you CREATE change in the non-conscious parts of your mind and get the results you truly desire for yourself?

That brings us to Your 5 Success Strategies.

Your First Success Strategy is:


Showing gratitude is such a simple and easy first step to realizing your dreams. Gratitude immediately shifts your energy and creates a pure positive field of attraction.

The first principle given by Andrew Carnegie, in his book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” one of the best-selling self help books ever published which has sold more than 15 Million copies worldwide is, “Never criticize, judge or complain.”

Instead empower yourself by starting your day thinking, feeling and giving thanks!

Your Second Success Strategy:


Make a habit of acknowledging and celebrating your achievements each and every day.

Consider ways both large and small to celebrate when completing steps along your way to realizing your life vision.

Celebrating yourself and your life journey helps you to feel good. Your commitment to staying inspired and feeling good generates even more good feelings for attracting your desired outcomes. As Esther Hicks, co-author along with her husband Jerry, of the best-selling Law of Attraction series, is fond of saying, “There is noting more important than feeling good.”

Your Third Success Strategy:


What means the most to you and is of absolute most importance?

Your Core Values motivate and drive you to take action. Connecting with and aligning with your Core Values, what’s most important to you, builds a strong feeling of self worth and self esteem.

In fact being out of alignment with your core values frequently results in self sabotage. Self worth issues will always undermine your progress to fulfill your life vision for yourself.

Here are a few examples of Core Values for you to consider and get you started for discovering your own.

  • LOVE
  • HOME

After writing down your list of Core Values Select the TOP FOUR VALUES on your list that are your absolute highest priorities.

After completing your list ask yourself if any of your Core Values conflict with one another? Remember you must align your Core Values to make progress toward fulfilling the life vision you have for yourself.

Your Fourth Success Strategy:


What character traits show up as habits that undermine your values?

Consider any behaviors that undermine your taking action and living from your core values.

One character trait that many of us have is focusing on the problem and talking negatively about a situation rather than visualizing creative solutions and seeing positive outcomes for all concerned.

The truth is the powerful alchemy of your mind can transmute any darkness into light. Even your worst nightmare can become a positive life affirming lesson that inspires you to accomplish your dreams.

Developing your mental awareness and disrupting any negative self talk is one of the most self empowering steps you can take in the creative process. It is your first step in taking back the power of your mind to create the life of your dreams.

Your Fifth Success Strategy:


You develop unshakable self confidence by taking complete responsibility for what you’re thinking.

Your life works from the inside out. You must develop complete integrity within yourself if you want to feel self confident about your ability to create the life you want. You must learn to trust and believe in yourself. Living from your inner most convictions will bring a deep sense of inner calm in any life situation.

Struggling with what is can destroy your peace of mind and self confidence. Give up your need to know why things happen as they do and your need to control outcomes.

Forgiveness, letting go and moving on clears your mind and nervous system while retaining the lessons and the love so you don’t need to repeat an experience.

Labeling events as bad and against you sets you up to be in a constant struggle against life.

Think about it, how can life be against you or anyone? It makes absolutely no sense! As Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the major best-selling, “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book series says, “Life wants more for you than you want for yourself.”

Right now start a practice of loving what is!

You are the powerful creator of your reality. Love the opportunity you’ve been given to become the master of your life experience and create a wonderful life journey for yourself.


To connect with your passion and what you love and for more positive life affirming messages please Sign-up NOW for a FREE Health Mastery Membership ($180. Value)! Just fill out the sign-up form on any webpage.

Until next time…relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

Love -KG